This page is pretty easy to use. Lets go over some of the basics.

Navigation: Navigation is finding your way around the page. This page will have 5 of the most recent updates on the front page. This front page is called the “Home” page. At anytime while on this site you can click the “Home” link at the top left and it will return you to the front or primary page of this site. Over time, there could be other pages. As of this writing there was the “Home”, “About” and “Help” page. You are currently viewing the “Help” page. You can click on any of those to see what is there.

In the left most column, there are 3 sections. 1. “Pages” has the list of all pages and they will also be listed across the top of the page as tabs. 2. “Categories” will list all the categories in which we make entries. I can envision over time you may see categories such as “Family Blog”, “Vacations”, “Sports” and so on. You can click on one of these “categories” and see all of the posts we’ve made in that category. 3. “Archive” has the historical view of posts. All posts will be listed by year and month. so, if you want to see posts that are older than the last 5 posted, you can search through this archive to find what you want.

In the right most column you will find 2 sections. 1. “WebSites” will have a list of links to sites of interest to us. Eventually, there will links of interest to you like “Photo Album” and coming soon a “History” link and so on. 2. “Meta” has administrative and subscriber information. First, lets cover the RSS links. If you know how to use them, go for it. If you don’t, ask me about it sometime. Now I will cover the “Login” and “Register” links.

You can register for an account to this site. As of now, the only reason you would want an account is because you would like to comment on posts within the site. (I’ll cover this in more detail later). To get an account, you must register. When registering, just give a username of your choice (this name will be displayed to others on this site when you leave a comment). You will also provide an email address. You then submit your registration and an initial password will be emailed to you.

On your first login, you will be shown a profile page. You don’t have to put anything in here if you don’t want. It also has a place where you can modify your password.

On subsequent visits to the site you can log on by clicking the “Login” link. It will ask for your username and password. You will then be returned to the home page.

After logging in, you can leave comments. On any update or post or wherever you see “No Comments” or “2 Comments” (as examples), you can click there and you will be given the opportunity to leave a comment.

As always, you can always contact me for any help you may need.